Thursday, September 24, 2015

Owen turns One

You've been on this earth for an entire year. Has it really been a year? Time needs to hold its horses. Your entrance into the world was crazy and it turns out thats just your personality. "Lets give Mom a heart attack" is going to be your adolescent mantra, I'm sure of it. I am biased but I have to say you're the cutest baby I've ever seen and many strangers seem to agree with me, they're constantly commenting on your features and many even want to touch you. People also comment on your small size but you're healthy, you eat plenty, and you know what? You may be small but you are mighty. You proved that your first 10 days of life. You may be small but you have a big personality and an even bigger heart. You weigh a perfect 18 pounds and are 29 inches long. You have 8 teeth, you say "Mama" and "Dada", although you only seem to say "Mama" when the world has pissed you off. You're a professional speed crawler and you're pretty ballsy. You're constantly pushing the you stood up in the bathtub on an angle...all I could picture was you busting your chin or something equally traumatic. Thankfully we didn't end up in the ER on your birthday...wouldn't that have been something? You have a bond with the cats and they adore you too...specifically Penelope. She will come lay right next to you even though she knows you're not very gentle when petting. You recently learned to clap when Mama says "Yayyyy" but of course you only do it when you feel like it. Your favorite things are your big brother, eating, kissing your own reflection, being tossed onto the couch, and bath time. You don't have a favorite would rather play with a pile of clean diapers or pull all of the wipes out of the container. Today we woke up and took you to brunch where you proceeded to devour almost TWO whole pancakes and a pile of scrambled eggs. We spent the rest of the day loving on you and preparing for your cake smash session that I was looking forward to. Was I going to buy a cake? Hell no. Mama was ambitious and wanted to do it her damn self....but it was an epic fail. Daddy says it tastes delicious and even though it didn't turn out like the photo (not even a little) it was still a decent looking cake. HA! And in true Owen fashion, when someone wants you to do something you do the opposite. My little rebel. You didn't want your photo session. You didn't even crack a single smile. You did however do a few cute things and you even gave the cake a least for a little bit. I wouldn't have had it any other way...this was just an example of you being you and I would never want you to stray from that. I love being your Mama and I take the job very seriously. Cheers to our first year Bubba, I love you.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Living Loud

You are the silliest, funniest, most temperamental little person I've ever seen. One second you will be bursting at the seams with excitement and the next you have a look of pure contentment. I want to bottle these moments up but I can't so documenting here will have to do. But seriously? Look at you. I dare anyone to spend 5 minutes with you and not find joy. When you become so filled with joy you can't hide it, you have to jump and laugh with shrieks of "yay" sprinkled in between. You know what you want and you take it. That toy? Yep...going in the cart. That chocolate cake sitting on the counter? Yep, sticking my fingers in it for a taste test. That little boy in the waiting room to play with you? Yep, your new best friend. You're my first child and you'll always have a grasp on me but its so much more than that. You are constantly teaching me things, you challenge me daily to do better and to be better, you remind me that every second is an opportunity for fun, and you love me, even when I'm not deserving. Guess what? You are one of the best things I have ever done in this life and I love you unconditionally too and you're ALWAYS deserving. I hope you always stay wild and live loud. Love you Punky.

Friday, September 4, 2015

i'm back, back again

And hopefully for good this time. I am notorious for starting something and not sticking with it. Diets, photo projects, workout regimens, majors...I mean the list is endless. My husband often jokes that I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up and to let him know when I figure it out. He's so FUNNY. No but all jokes aside I am here to stay. I am working hard to not be so flakey, its not cute. I am in a place where I am pretty sure who I am and where i want to be and so I am more than excited to document all of that right here on this little corner of the internet. Also it feels like yesterday I gave birth and today I woke up to one of my kids smoking and the other making out with his girlfriend in our basement. I'm kidding, we don't have a basement. 

Honestly though, Ethan is going to be three this Winter and Owens first birthday is only weeks away. I need to have this space. Not only for my sanity (two in diapers is a total BLAST) but to also record all of our life happenings to not only share with family and friends now but to be able to show them years from now. Might also be useful in embarrassing them once they start bringing girls home. I'm the only woman they need damn it! I am quite busy these days with raising two monsters, going to school, and working part time but I'm looking forward to making this my space. In the midst of toddler tantrums, college algebra, dirty diapers, a "starving" husband, and a pile of bills it can feel like the walls are closing in on you and an escape plan is necessary. It isn't a private island with a pizza buffet and personal bartender but it will do.